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Get To Know The Gamer Who Knows Everyone


Well-Known Member

Hello there Team9000.
Moondoggy23's forum series Get To Know A Gamer (GTKAG) is very popular. You guys have been clamouring for a GTKAG about Moondoggy himself. But this is where it gets different.
Because it would be weird (and somewhat insane) for Moondoggy to interview himself, I've offered to do it for him.
Moondoggy's from North Carolina. That's about all I know about him. But that's what the point of the GTKAG's are about, right? Finding out about your fellow gamers! So here we go.

Q1: How did you find T9K?

Like a lot of people on here (probably), I found T9K while looking for a good Minecraft server that wasn’t crowded and didn’t require you to apply to build before you could build. I did find one server I liked (mostly because its name was “boobs” or something that effect, I know, I’m a pervy old man), but there weren’t any moderators and my builds were being griefed while I was building them. I checked out T9K’s server because of the “Over 9000” meme and I haven’t left the place since. I have since learned, Team9000 is more than just Minecraft.

Q2: What are your top 5 favourite games?

I’m going to kick it a little old school here and bust out some games some of you kiddies have probably never even heard of. In no particular order (except the order that I choose):

This game was so epic. Back before Rare was known for Donkey Kong Country or Perfect Dark or Banjo Kazooie, there was Battletoads. It’s a side-scrolling brawler/platformer that seemed simple, but is insanely difficult. This game is the reason my Nintendo controllers had teeth marks. Yes. I would rage so hard at this game, I would eat my controller.

-Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past:
The soundtrack was great, the gameplay was great, and the graphics were great. Really, this game was a great game. I have a mod for it on my PC and I still play it every so often. This is one of the only games I can say I completed to 100%.

Another deceptively simple, yet incredibly difficult game. The idea was you were the head of Birdo with feet, jumping around a quadrilateral trying to change the colors of the squares to one color. The only problem is you had to watch out for EVERYTHING, AND you could jump off the edge and die as well. More teeth marks.

My brother really loved this game before I did. It wasn’t for some time before I sat down and played it. I loved it. This was my first introduction to what would become RTS games, but it also had side-scrolling elements.

-Final Fantasy VII:
I popped my RPG cherry with this game. Again, my brother played it before I, but I watched the whole way through with him. Man, what a roller coaster of emotion, and Tifa was hot. This game lost it charm for me, however. I figured out how to breed gold chocobos, went around and got some of the ultra-rare material, mastered it and beat the game with only having to push one button over and over (Knights of the Round with Mimic, FTW).

-Donkey Kong Country:
My brother and I played this game together. This game, I feel, was the pinnacle of Rare and its game development. An awesome soundtrack, excellent gameplay, simply beautiful graphics and you could do it all with a friend. Once again, however, teeth marks, only on an SNES controller.
Donkey Kong Country.JPG

-Civilization series:
I wasn’t made aware of Civilization until I think after graduating from high school, at the time, I think it was Civ. III. My friend was able to crack a copy for me to play, and I didn’t understand it, but I loved it. Eventually I got the hang of it, and bought Civ. IV, and now I play Civ. V. What a pretty, pretty game.

-Killer Instinct:
This was my first fighting game. Most people played Mortal Kombat, I was the weirdo who played Killer Instinct. I was always Riptor, and I will take one anyone who is a glutton for punishment.

-Twisted Metal 1, 2 and Black:
WHAT AN AWESOME GAME. I drive around, and shoot other people? Really? DUDE. Twisted Metal: Black was the reason I bought a PS2, and I am so glad I did. The stories were dark, twisted and awesome. The graphics were stunning, and the gameplay was always fun, even when I would get my butt stomped by that friggin’ helicopter.

-Mario Kart: Double Dash:
This game I love to hate so hard. The courses were the best I’ve played, yet. I loved the characters, too. But I hate, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Petey Piranha. That guy is such a cheater.

This game is ingenious. I can beat the game any way I choose, so long as I can think of a way to beat and write it down. I take it with me whenever I travel.

Is that more than five? Oh well, I suck at maths.

Q3: ...And your top 5 worst games. You're Winner?

Hmm…this one may be tough. I have always been very picky with my game purchases, so I’ve not really been disappointed with too many of them. Here’s my short list:

-Too Human:
This is probably my “winner” of the worst games I’ve ever played. I was anticipating this game for some time. It took years to develop (not as long as Duke Nukem: Forever, mind you), which led me (stupidly) to believe it’s going to be a good game. If I were sent to hell, this game would be that place. As you level up, the enemies level up, so you never can get an edge over the baddies. It always winds up you will die 800 billion times in a level, that is a given. When you die, you have to sit and watch the death sequence. It was cool the first time, not the 500trillion other times, especially when the sequence was somewhere in the ballpark of 10-20seconds long. So, 10second death sequence multiplied by 800 billion. Yeah. A lot of time spent watching my character die. The controls were sluggish and not very responsive, and the story was…good, but it didn’t really do anything for me like it should have.

I think I dislike this game because I realized a few years ago how easy it was to play. You’re in your boat, and you sail around finding things, which you get money for. You have to buy a shark finder and then go find Jaws. You find Jaws, and you line up your boat with him as he jumps out of the water and he dies. Game over. If I played the game today, it’d probably take me about 1.5hrs to beat.

-Tank Commander (something like that):
I honestly can’t remember the correct title of this game. I was young, I had money, and I saw it at EB Games for $10 or something like that. I thought it’d be a cool strategy game. It’s not. I played it for about 5minutes, and put it away. No one knows its whereabouts, and it is on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

This game would have been cool if I had gotten it when the 360 first came out. My problem is I didn’t get the 360 when it first came out. I got the 360 about 2 or 3 years after it came out, when Bioshock was released. I always wanted to play this game because I’m a huge mech fan. This was a very boring game, and very slow.

-Incredible Crash Test Dummies:
When I was a kid I LOVED Incredible Crash Test Dummies (not the band, the toys). I had several of the toys, including the car that would crash. The stuff was sooo cool! The game, however, was not.
inredible crash test dummies.jpeg

Q4: So... North Carolina. What's that all like?

Hot as balls! Also, relatively boring and uneventful. I’m a native Virginian, and I could sing ballads about that state. North Carolina, however, is just a place I live right now. If my wife and I have any kids while we’re still here, I’m beginning to plot ways to get her into VA to give birth, that way my child is also a native Virginian. Likewise, if we ever happen to live out of country and she were to give birth, I’m heading straight for a US embassy or military base so my child will be born on US soil and have a shot at becoming President.

Q5: Moving on... Pirates or ninjas?

Pirates. Only because they have some rum named after the most famous of pirates. I don’t know of any alcohol named after a famous ninja (Shinobi sake?).

Q6: O.K... How about The Thing vs. Juggernaut?

The Thing. He can totally rip off Juggernaut’s helmet and render him defenceless. The Juggernaut would only be able to rip off The Thing’s head. MAYBE.

Q7: How about me vs. a bear?


Q8: Cartoons, do you like them?

I do, very much so. I had always thought about writing a book about cartoons (the history of them, and their evolution and what-not), but I’ve never gotten enough nerve or gumption to do so. I really like anime. My first anime would have to (technically) be Thundercats, but the first anime I watched and knew it as anime would have to Dragon Ball Z, followed very shortly by Gundam Wing.

Q9: What music do you listen to?

I don’t listen to anything current, really. I like Queens of the Stone Age, and Rage Against the Machine, and System of a Down, but that’s as modern as I get. I’m a big fan of Weird Al Yankovic. I also like Classic Rock, like Journey, ZZ Top, and Led Zeppelin. I don’t know what you people are talking about with your dubsteps and what not.
queens of the stone age.JPG

Q10: Opinions on pork barbeque?

The greatest thing EVER. I prefer Lexington style pulled pork barbeque with hush puppies and a tall, cold glass of sweet tea. Lexington style is a vinegar-based sauce on barbeque, while there is also another style of Carolina barbeque that is more ketchup/tomato-based. It tastes like poop, in my opinion. I respect Memphis style barbeque, and Texas brisket. If anyone is ever in NC, hit me up, and I’ll make you some barbeque. We’ll make a day of it, because it takes most of the day to smoke a decent-size shoulder.

Q11: if you met Notch IRL what would you say?

A number of things pop into my head that I would like to say/ask Notch. I think the FIRST thing I would want to say to him is, “Hey, I bought your game and really enjoy it, let me buy you a beer.”

Q12: And finally... MS Paint. Very artsy. Care to elaborate?

Well, when working on the first GTKAG (ConroD’s) one of the questions I asked him was what three things he would want to have while stranded on a desert island, and his answer put a picture in my head that I thought was rather comical. I decided to draw it in Paint, since that’s really the only drawing program I have (that I know of) and a number of people said how funny it was. I decided that would sort of be my “thing” with GTKAG to add a little bit more pizzaz. I think I enjoyed drawing for Casham’s GTKAG thus far. Pro tip: If you’re selected for GTKAG and you get asked a zany question, it might be good to answer as creatively as possible. It’s easier for me to make fun drawings that way.

And there we have it.
I hope you all enjoyed that; I tried to keep to 'Doggy's style and schtick.
'Doggy has also given me permission to say that you guys should nominate someone for next time's GTKAG. I won't be doing it - I'm going to leave that to the professional.
But until next time - this is me, Vorsprung.
These: Scribblenauts, Killer Instinct, Civilization, Final Fantasy VII, Donkey Kong Country, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I spent some good times playing all of these. :D

By the way, I was always Sabrewolf in Killer Instinct.
I loved Qbert... My dad would hog it, so I just watched him beat it. Then I would just play with Aramat after he was done. I think I would have rather had moon interview himself still... Would have been much more interesting in my opinion!