Recent content by MrMriiy

  1. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    enemy sited
  2. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    Art Illusion
  3. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    Cool Pokeball
  4. MrMriiy

    third time lucky round2 ~lordsunrunner

    what happened to u wernt posting ur work till you where beat in chess ;) lol
  5. MrMriiy


    im posting these pics for gap
  6. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    never quits
  7. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    evil pony
  8. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    deadly hands
  9. MrMriiy

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    pony warrior
  10. MrMriiy

    Minecraft classic problems?

    you can infact still make free accounts i went ahead and made one for you ink with a 10minute email account aka dont give this to anyone or just change the email or something because the email will expire i will pm you the details of it
  11. MrMriiy

    Vladimir_Todd Promotion to Builder Request

    keep up the good work sprites help but they enjoy seeing other things than just sprites :D i did sprites and some creative things on my own to get a promotion once you get cool the next step is giant out of the box type things : P building complexed things will get you ranked faster
  12. MrMriiy

    Guest -> Cool

    keep up the great work and you will be cool in no time (:
  13. MrMriiy


    nice portal sprites love portal (: keep it up!
  14. MrMriiy

    im back :D

    im back :D