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Get to Know a Gamer: Casey (cacash10)


Well-Known Member
Greetings and welcome to another edition of Get to Know a Gamer! This week the community has chosen Casey (cacash10 for those of you who don't know otherwise). Casey is an enlisted man in the United States Chair Air Force, so he's able to kill you with a toggle of a joystick and push of a button. Casey is an epic-ranked member of Team 9000's Minecraft Classic server. He pretty much sucks at any other game we may play, since he always refuse to play anything else with us. So here he is, the Red-headed Red Baron, the Ginger Test Pilot, Casey:

1. You're in the US Air Force. Do you prefer a chair with or without arm rests when you're at work? Well, I would say with an arm rest, but unfortunately my job doesn't afford me the luxury of using arm rests, as I am to busy typing all day. However, on my 3 hour lunch break I actually stand up and move to the break room where there are couches, and I just sleep there since it took so much energy just to make it to the break room.

2. What are your five favorite video games? I'll start with number 5 and make my way down, cause these lists piss me off when people start with their top favorite. I like to build the suspense.
5. Pokemon Red or Blue. The classics are where its at.

4. Zelda Windwaker

3. Metroid Prime

2. Battlefield Bad company 2

1. Zelda Ocarina of Time

3. How did you find Team9000? Actually, I had heard and seen minecraft, but I dismissed it as stupid and didn't pay attention to it. Then back in January, my brother Terghan actually told me to get on, as there is always time for minecraft. Eventually he coaxed me on, and he was already on the Team9000 server, so naturally thats where I went. He stopped playing and here I am still at it. My opinion on minecraft has yet to change :)

4. You have two other brothers who are also members of T9K. Which one of you is the best? I am the best. Why would you even bother asking that?

5. If you could be any transformer, which one would you be and why? I would totally be bumblebee, because I already can't talk, and what I do manage to say comes out in a garbled mess lol.


6. If you were stuck on an island and could only have three items with you, which three items would you choose? A teleporter, generator, and a bear.


7. What is your favorite aircraft? Ohhhhhh, well, I would say the F-15e but since I spent three years fixing it and have numerous scars and memories from it, I would probably say the F-22. That's a maintainers dream. Performance wise though, the F-15 is capable of taking on almost any role the air force needs, so that's my favorite performance wise, especially since it is the first aircraft that was able to accelerate vertically. You should see a combat take off, they're pretty awesome :)


8. Who would win in a fight: Goku or Ichigo Kurosaki? That would be quite a fight seeing as they could both die and still go on fighting. I would have to hand it to Goku though, as Ichigo is a 15 year old noob and Goku spent his whole life training in martial arts.

9. You're a fan of anime, what are some of your favorite animes? Story wise, I think Eureka 7 takes the cake, but Noein is really good for those into science fiction. FMA and Trigun are some of my favorite shows to re watch and Dragon Ball Z is Dragon Ball Z. For anyone interested in getting into anime, Samurai Champloo is the way to go.


10. What sort of music do you listen to? I listen to pretty much anything from Royksopp and Lil Wayne to Shiny Toy Guns and Cage the Elephant. If it sounds good, I will probably listen to it.


11. You've traveled to a number of countries. Aside from the US, what has been your favorite place to see? England was great, and I have seen a bit of Europe and Asia, but my favorite place outside of the U.S. so far is Scotland. The entire Country (shut up Conrod, I know Scotland isn't its own country) is beautiful. If any of you get the chance, Urquhart castle up by the Loch Ness is amazing and totally worth the long ass journey to no where in order to see it.



Nominate who you would like to see in next week's GTKAG by leaving a comment below. If you have any questions you'd like to see asked in future GTKAG's, leave a comment below.
Awesome bumblebee picture you got there, because gingers are good at burning rubber! XD
Oh, as for voting goes, I'll see what happens if I nominate myself.
Goooooooooood GTKAG! I nominate myself, the strangly pathetic mcfar45!

If it looks like I have no chance of being picked then I nominate that_taco_guy! :D