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Get to Know a Gamer: GoldSeeker


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow T9Kers and welcome to another edition of Get to Know a Gamer! This week you all have chosen GoldSeeker as the featured gamer. GoldSeeker hails from Portugal, is an awesome-ranked member of Minecraft Classic, and has her own popular thread called "Object Carpenter." So, here is GoldSeeker's GTKAG:

1. You're from Portugal. What is your country known for? Fish?
Portugal is a land of many nice things. Mostly football, good weather, football, the beautiful landscape, the excellent food (like cod), football, the people that complain about everything, the freedom to do a lot of stuff and nobody cares and football. Our country back in the fifteen century did own half of the world too...but that was a long time ago... Did I mention that our football league is world famous?


2. You're known for your Object Carpenter thread. Where'd you get the idea for that?

When I got promoted to cool in the classic server for making a chair and table with a plate with soup on top of it, I questioned myself: since it seems i'm good at making household stuff, wouldn't it be wonderful that I would accept requests too? So from that idea I've started making household objects for people that requested me. Soon I've started to accept almost any type of requests, and now I only accept the most funny and unusual stuff (like a potato warrior riding an unicorn xD). However, if someone requests me a household object, it will be my priority...

3. What is your fondest gaming memory?

Well I must say that my favorite game EVAA it's the Lego Rock Raiders. I was 8 years old and it was the second PC game that I had and it had me glued to the computer for hours (and when I say hours i don't mean 1 or 2. More like 4 or 5 strait hours of gameplay). I was afraid of the Rock Monsters so I couldn't get pass a certain level but I can now that I'm all grown up :p It ran on my Windows98 and it still runs on my Windows7 so I still play it of course.


4. What do you think is the one thing a visitor should see in your country if they ever were to visit.

Sintra Mountain Range. It's the most beautiful place in the world. I love it every time I go there. The forest, the town of Sintra, the Atlantic Ocean right by its side...simply breathtaking... Plus it's near Cascais, the fanciest place in Portugal, and where I live too...


5. What sort of music do you like to listen to? What are your favorite bands?

I listen to almost everything. From Heavy Metal, to Rap, to Classical. The only thing i can't bear are the new pop themes (west, gaga, bieber and that stuff). My favorite 5 Bands (of many many more) are:
5 - Black Stone Cherry

4 - Carlos Santana

3 - Баста (a russian rap singer)
2 - Xutos & Pontapés (an Awesome portuguese band if you don't know)

1 - Iron Maiden


6. Which super power would you rather have: the ability to shrink or grow to any size you choose, or the ability to enhance any one of your senses at any given time?
Well when it comes to superpowers, I must say I wouldn't be any heroine. Shrinking like Alice in Wonderland would be nice to satisfy my curiosity of seeing little things, but I'm gonna go with super senses so i can see the little things from a far (or see through walls and skin), hear what people say when they are apart from me 100 kilometers (or what teachers think during exams) and to feel/taste anything in the world by its true value (and obtain maximum pleasure from it...)


7. America: A great country, or the greatest country?
America is a country? I thought america was a large continent that contained 35 different countries, 23 in the North part (like Mexico and Canada) and 12 in the South part (like Brazil and Argentina). Oh you mean the United States of America? Well, it still seems you are talking about 50 different small countries, but alright I'll say something about them... The US are alright. A place I would like to visit, but not to live in. Because every and anything happens in the United States, and that's not something I would like to experience everyday... PORTUGAL IS ALWAYS IN MY HEART!!! :D


8. What other games do you play besides Minecraft?

Well just like music I play almost anything. I love the Civilization series (my favorite being the third). Command and Conquer Generals is also one of my favorite games that I play a lot. The GTA series and Red Dead Redemption are simply awesome too (online and offline). BlackJack is not a video game, but still something I love to play a lot... Tekken and Tomb Raider are two of my most used games. But the games I play the most have LEGO in the title: Racers, Chess, Starwars, Indiana Jones, Rock Raiders, Stunt Rally and LOCO.


9. What one person in history would you like to meet (living or dead)?
Gaius Julius Caeser. A god amongst men he was considered after being assassinated. Acording to what I've read, he was a kind and gentle person (the most Roman of all the Romans), without the greed and thirst of power (not to be confused with blood) that all the romans had. Besides wanting to know him, i would love to know the roman culture better too.


10. What are your 5 favorite movies?

Yet again, just like the games and music I see almost any type of film xD My favorites are:
5 - The Godfather (the first one)

4 - The Nightmare Before Christmas

3 - Kill Bill vol.1

2- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

1 - Pulp Fiction


11. How did you find Team9000?

Well when I started playing Minecraft Classic Multiplayer, I played on a friends account named GoldRusher, and we found this server by chance. One day he was playing on the server and got banned by TheChrisHill for making something bad (a swastika or a penis or something), so because I still wanted to play on that server I created my own account. That day GoldSeeker was born. Chris still warned me because of the similar name and said not to do anything bad ever again (although it wasn't my fault). And I never did. In fact, that same day I made my first "real" build in the server: the table and chair, with the plate of soup on top. Hyadum was kind enough to replace the blue in my cup of water with real water and advised me to apply for a promotion on the forum. And so I did. And so I'm here...


I hope you all enjoyed this week's installment. As per GoldSeeker's request, her responses were in pink. Reply below with a nomination of who you would like to see in next week's GTKAG. Also, feel free to let me know if you would rather nominate, or vote for the next gamer. Please try to keep your choices to just one, since having two or three choices in one post is a bit confusing.
I would like to see a poll for the next GTKAG. That being said another great one moon keep up the great work. I nominate Jerzeylegend.
I've run out of words to describe these.. It's just too good! I like the nominating style actually.
I nominate Jerzeylegend!
The answer to the America question is EXACTLY what I would've answered too. Besides the Portugal part, ofcourse. I'd also like to nominate yukyduky for the next GTKAG!
Very nice and my first time commenting on one of these but I wanted to be a little troll so I figured I'd go out of my way to talk a lot in here and then explain it! And I nominate no one! Muhahaha..