Recent content by GiftedNarwhals

  1. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    wasnt even my idea, he offered : D
  2. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    Being good friends with a rioter has its perks ;)
  3. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    Just got back from watching the Lcs live in la, Seeing it live is really amazing! Also i got a tour of the riot Hq's and saw soooooooooooo much new stuff ( like 8 new champs and 30 skins, plus some other top secret stuff ) . Too bad i cant talk about it cause i signed an Nda :L
  4. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    doombots is just... not fun? Doom bots v is so easy to win but impossible to fight against them, making for long games of teleport split pushing Zzzzz
  5. GiftedNarwhals

    The New Super Smash Bros.

  6. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    Nooooo don't buy any other damage items on shyvana except for the Botrk almost all lane matchups should be difficult pre level 9, after that you should be able to duel and become a huge annoying wall that the enemy teams backline has to deal with Also most people like to max E first, it has...
  7. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    Lol, i remember when you were better than me ;)
  8. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    I was 800 elo in season 1/2 :3 Made the climb to 1470elo doing duo alistar ezreal THOSE WERE THE DAYS
  9. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    I don't mean to be that guy... But you did die 10 times, you have some room for improvement somewhere in there. I view the game like this ; No matter how well i do, it is my fault my team loses. There is always something i could have done differently to win my lane harder or to give vision...
  10. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

  11. GiftedNarwhals

    Dota 2 or LoL?

    I prefer LoL , dota feels as though it has too many unneeded overly complex features in it such as turn speed. League is a much more simple game by its mechanics but its just as deep as dota in the highest competitive level. Just try both games, play whatever you like :)
  12. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    I play so many normals and almost no ranked... It's just alot more fun to play with friends. If ranked Qs could have 3 - 4 people i'm sure i would play more
  13. GiftedNarwhals

    League of Legends Thread

    I was just checking back on here too see what was up, after leaving about 2 years ago, and saw this lol thread :^D I hope no one is still salty about my leave :3 I've played league since leona / wukong came out in season 1 about 3 years ago Username: (NA) GiftedNarwhals Champions Owned: All ~...
  14. GiftedNarwhals

    Whats up, It's been awhile.

    Oh god. EDIT: Is quoting broken or is that just me :L
  15. GiftedNarwhals

    Whats up, It's been awhile.

    Thought i should drop by and say hello . I will definitely make a stop on mumble some time soon :)