Recent content by MrFrog90

  1. MrFrog90

    Revived Froggeh?

    Revived Froggeh?
  2. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    Still want that SK sword? I have the broken sword thing. The Shattered Blade of Levinthal.
  3. MrFrog90

    Juco's Minecraft Server 0.1

    Still waiting for this server to be a thing!
  4. MrFrog90

    DotA 2 General

    Coming from 10 years of dota1 experience, I know what I am doing. :P
  5. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    I have a duplicate rare juggernaut mask. Looking to trade 1 for 1 with another rare. Offer me. :D [H]Ancient Mask of Intimidation [W]Offers.
  6. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    I could probably get you the abaddon's immortal for the pudge hook. I'd have to ask around. I believe the venge immortal is more expensive than the pudge hook though. That would be tough to get. You might need to add a rare to the trade or something.
  7. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    Sadly i suck at playing carries.
  8. MrFrog90

    DotA 2 General

    How to be annoying as disruptor! Played this game 2 days ago. Match id: 255581553 I tell you, the enemy all hates me. Especially queen of pain.
  9. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    You get a smeevil treat for the 1st team you stamp, next treat you will have to get 5 teams (4 + the one you already stamped).
  10. MrFrog90

    DotA 2 General

    Just trolling as usual.
  11. MrFrog90

    DotA 2 General

    Tada. I made a trade thread for dota2. If Don can put this link in the 1st post, that'd be great. P.S. Don you need to update the 1st post. Dota2 doesnt require keys to play anymore.
  12. MrFrog90

    Dota2 Trade Thread!

    Yep. Trades for Dota2 will be going on all over this thread. Prepare you anus, i mean backpack. Post below if you have items or wants items.
  13. MrFrog90

    DotA 2 General

    Those are some bad scores on the shadow demon and slayer. Did they even trilane that shadow demon, slayer, alchemist combo?
  14. MrFrog90

    grief in guest 665

    Wrong place to put this.