Recent content by TheRealBakun

  1. TheRealBakun

    [MC] Serpent's Pass Thread

    IGN: TRBakun Been a member of T9k since before the adventure update 1.7 beta, i was on classic to start, so about 3 or 4 years i want to say Cant remember, was a member of Cydonia and Newvenice of Caprica, so that map, and the map after it Vouching members: Moutainboy965, Pyrhos
  2. TheRealBakun

    LTS Town: Lufenia

    TRBakun ive been here for 3 years pyrhos invited 'nuff said?
  3. TheRealBakun

    LTS Application - TRBakun

    Aye, still i am Caprican
  4. TheRealBakun

    LTS Application - TRBakun

    1. My IGN is TRBakun 2. I have been a part of the T9K community for over 2 years now, closer to 3. 3. Im not new, i found the classic minecraft server via Minecraft lists. 4. my friends on T9K have been: Most current Capricans, and Cydonians. 5. I have not been banned, kicked from survival...
  5. TheRealBakun

    My Fellow Capricans- (planning/discussion/whitelist)

    I found the Beacon Chamber, all I can say is, I'm in
  6. TheRealBakun

    My Fellow Capricans- (planning/discussion/whitelist)

    Since it has been asked for: 1. Ive been with t9k for close to 2 years 2. I need a place to stay 3. in classic, i am Builder rank 4. Ive played survival for close to a year 5. I am (was, before reboot) a Cydonian 6. Havent been on for a while, but easing back in.
  7. TheRealBakun

    My Fellow Capricans- (planning/discussion/whitelist)

    Okie, here they are, My Building Application:
  8. TheRealBakun

    My Fellow Capricans- (planning/discussion/whitelist)

    Workin on getting the images up for viewing, its just a bitch to do so
  9. TheRealBakun

    Permanent request for builder base

    for the last time, i said i was fine with it being moved to z5, me and doney agreed to renovate it to match the theme
  10. TheRealBakun

    Permanent request for builder base

    i didnt say to move it, but ok, what direction i was going in was to get permits for z11, and build a better one but ok, z5 it is
  11. TheRealBakun

    Permanent request for builder base

    we be trollin on the greife- i mean guests if we build there
  12. TheRealBakun

    Permanent request for builder base

    k, then agreed, who ever wants to help, make a better base, get a mass permit of z11, or wait for z12