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Team 9000 Digimon Project


Well-Known Member

Thanks to a massive nostalgia kick I had last night, I'm starting this. This is essentially the Pokemon project, but with Digimon sprites instead. Why? Because Digimon was a huge part of my childhood, almost to the extent that Pokemon was. It's insane how much has changed with the entire series. <3 I love it. For this one, there is no goal. Make whatever sprite you wish. <3 Allow me to kick it off with Agumon.

It's hard to relate to digimons cuz they're neither living nor dead. Hell, I'm not even sure what they are. Probably just a wad of ones and zeroes put together. And I don't understand their world either. Cyberspace can sit and spin.
It's hard to relate to digimons cuz they're neither living nor dead. Hell, I'm not even sure what they are. Probably just a wad of ones and zeroes put together. And I don't understand their world either. Cyberspace can sit and spin.
Everyone can relate to Digimon in many ways. Sometimes you just don't realize you're doing it :D
This is just Digimon stuff I tried to build. Digimon Foreverrr :p


  • Agumon Statue Tribute.jpg
    Agumon Statue Tribute.jpg
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  • Angewomon Skysprite.jpg
    Angewomon Skysprite.jpg
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  • Digivice and Agumon.jpg
    Digivice and Agumon.jpg
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  • Guilmon Digimon Project x1.jpg
    Guilmon Digimon Project x1.jpg
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  • Shoutmon.jpg
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  • Veemon.jpg
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  • Greymon.jpg
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