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XP Farm Design?


Well-Known Member
I've found a (relatively) rare set of 3 cave spider spawners very close to each other. Is there a good design out there for a server-based xp farm, and will it cause lag?
There shouldn't be any lag on the server, perhaps some local fps/chunk lag, but that depends on how much is going on.

I would say, make a collector and then crush them at the collection point.
I've found a (relatively) rare set of 3 cave spider spawners very close to each other. Is there a good design out there for a server-based xp farm, and will it cause lag?
I would make a water trap, that just pulls them to a central location to either be killed for xp, or to also have the ability to go afk for string.
They fit in 1 by 1 holes (I've even had one fit above a stone slab, so 1 by 0.5), and tend to overwhelm me (took my full, new iron armor set down to half health in a few seconds). I've heard, though, about using a fence post to create a gap for my attacks - I think I'll look into that.