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The T9k Pokedex (wip)! The list


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your patience. The list has been completed! Now, before anyone throws a conniption....


If you're not in this, I'm sorry. I'll remember you when I start gen 2 (when I know more people).

The entries will be done at the end of month.

001 Bulbasaur: that_taco_guy
002 Ivysaur: vincent2128
003 Venusaur: Crypto
004 Charmander: Alfisonson
005 Charmeleon: Pyrhos
006 Charizard: t7seven7t
007 Squirtle: rileyper
008 Wartortle: KC006
009 Blastoise: Riein
010 Caterpie: pasaria
011 Metapod: ThaProfessor
012 Butterfree: Ambidextrous
013 Weedle: shadowwolf
014 Kakuna: Beese
015 Beedrill: ChrisRo_96
016 Pidgey: RemOfShadows
017 Pidgeotto: Hawke
018 Pidgeot: Alimber
019 Rattata: Stratadon
020 Raticate: bbgunshot
021 Spearow: Keyblade474
022 Fearow: theanarchist
023 Ekans: DoneyHew
024 Arbok: ParcelFace
025 Pikachu: PuRe2k12
026 Raichu: tbarius
027 Sandshrew: Armadil
028 Sandslash: sideboom
029 Nidoran♀: Cathykiddo
030 Nidorina: Pixiel
031 Nidoqueen: Squeebs
032 Nidoran♂: Donvittorio
033 Nidorino: ChibaMasato
034 Nidoking: Godliberator
035 Clefairy: Kurtis
036 Clefable: zCheshire
037 Vulpix: tshinotu145
038 Ninetales: Damashki
039 Jigglypuff: omfgAlol
040 Wigglytuff: kingjok3r
041 Zubat: Flashflame8
042 Golbat: quazymoodo
043 Oddish: camevil
044 Gloom: daredevil71789
045 Vileplume: RedBox
046 Paras: MoleManMike
047 Parasect: MikeyMagic
048 Venonat: Creeper
049 Venomoth: lolplayer365
050 Diglett: mini_cacti
051 Dugtrio: Koreaver
052 Meowth: MagicForDummies
053 Persian: mmmpopfanatic
054 Psyduck: RioDeal
055 Golduck: Apocalypse0
056 Mankey: David
057 Primeape: ConroD
058 Growlithe: im3nuron
059 Arcanine: Moondoggy23
060 Poliwag: BoyHimas
061 Poliwhirl: ninjawolf
062 Poliwrath: PsuPepperoni
063 Abra: GreenEarth
064 Kadabra: whatupguys1
065 Alakazam: nexiumlol
066 Machop: HOMERUN_09
067 Machoke: Casey
068 Machamp: GOSkidMark
069 Bellsprout: BradW
070 Weepinbell: Captain_Ginyu
071 Victreebel: avroom
072 Tentacool: MrFrog90
073 Tentacruel: Koodles
074 Geodude: Fdebijl
075 Graveler: kimbal86
076 Golem: Konflakes
077 Ponyta: Thee_Pro
078 Rapidash: rsmv2you
079 Slowpoke: Bored
080 Slowbro: Tofurkey
081 Magnemite: clayto1332
082 Magneton: Zovator
083 Farfetch'd: Lameducks
084 Doduo: Akamus
085 Dodrio: Kagato
086 Seel: DutchCheese
087 Dewgong: squirley_guy
088 Grimer: Excide
089 Muk: oozinator
090 Shellder: ienjoywaffles
091 Cloyster: Mariolink42
092 Gastly: JNS112
093 Haunter: MasterBuffalo97
094 Gengar: McFar45
095 Onix: Fulgenzio
096 Drowzee: blu35p4rr0w
097 Hypno: rev80
098 Krabby: BMWAce
099 Kingler: KoasterKid1995
100 Voltorb: downed_foes
101 Electrode: Lzice
102 Exeggcute: tacodude
103 Exeggutor: Casham
104 Cubone: Dmax
105 Marowak: HecticRapidz
106 Hitmonlee: DemonFoxKiller
107 Hitmonchan: TheXraptor
108 Lickitung: Squishyface00
109 Koffing: TwkiLler96
110 Weezing: Redhaze5
111 Rhyhorn: GTRmadness
112 Rhydon: Skryter
113 Chansey: frankiller23
114 Tangela: karmahurts
115 Kangaskhan: bracabrad
116 Horsea: EliasDaBear
117 Seadra: Hagaren414
118 Goldeen: Goldseeker
119 Seaking: katphish
120 Staryu: _joostb
121 Starmie: y2hecate
122 Mr. Mime: Ustulo
123 Scyther: Ollee
124 Jynx : JerzeyLegend
125 Electabuzz: Dasbeast
126 Magmar: Vorsprung
127 Pinsir: bobomastoras
128 Tauros: madcart
129 Magikarp: Tunapiano
130 Gyarados: Rai_the_Insane
131 Lapras: Revy
132 Ditto: Patchouli
133 Eevee: MotorKat
134 Vaporeon: Chacalx67
135 Jolteon: InvaderKewl
136 Flareon: SteveTheSheep
137 Porygon: Jetmike
138 Omanyte: cacher97
139 Omastar: Hyadum
140 Kabuto: babybacon
141 Kabutops: stopthehacks
142 Aerodactyl: StTheo
143 Snorlax: bhamwildcat
144 Articuno: yukyduky
145 Zapdos: NewspaperCrane
146 Moltres: Xeadin
147 Dratini: aviarei
148 Dragonair: FRESCODUDE
149 Dragonite: cs6ranger
150 MewTwo: Wooty
151 Mew: Ozy

Special- MissingNo: TheGurw
Slowpoke: Bored, I see what ya did there :D

The more you know segment:
"Slowpoke have unusual tails, which drip a sweet-tasting sappy substance. This substance is attractive to many species of fish, and can be used as a lure. In addition, if their tail is cut off, it will grow back quickly. Unfortunately, Slowpoke are extremely unintelligent, and tend to forget what they are doing."

"Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack."
Why the fuck am I even paras. lol!
If anthing i am parasect and mikey is paras.
but still not even. I am dugtrio. or maybe drilbur or excadrill. haha i love how derpy drilbur looks. that is me. a derpy mole.
Even though i hate generation 5 i aprove of drilbur.

Oozinator I will travel to california and destroy you.