Billy is Back!


Hey guys, most of you probably don't remember/know me, as I have not been on in a very long time. Due to a series of events, I have several aliases, so you may remember one, several, or none of the following:

Forum names:

Minecraft names:

So if you remember me, nice to be back, but if you don't, I'd like to get to know you!
Welcome back, Billy! Oh lawdy it's been so long. You were my first t9k friend everr :')
Awwwh that's sweet. I remember our various tom-foolery across the different MC servers and the new worlds that were always created. Good times :)
Ohey, someone ELSE whose first post was much later than their join date.

Glad you spoke up. Welcome back, Billy.
Welcome back to T9K brohah!

Also, as a side note: every time i see your name now, i keep thinking of Billy from adventure time. @.@
Hi, though I don't remember you, since I only remember avatars, welcome back. And new aliases won't change the lifelong soulcontract with t9k you know?!