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Contest 013: The Ultimate Scorebuster

I hate Bejewled Blitz. Why do I keep playing it?

Too bad there's no "score" in Portal.



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OK now SOMEONE has that photo of me PWNING on an Omega Race game at PAX EAST............ OLD SKOOL.... I guess i'm gonna have to run the MAME emulator again... check out the top 3... INV, ADR, KWL.




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Of course there is always THIS:


Me Playing ET: The Extra Terrestrial on Atari 2600 (emulated)

WORST. GAME. EVER. Thanks for playing. KTHXBAI.
Yah know, i have a SS of a l4d1 end score in VS that was a tie, with both teams resulting in a score of "one thousand three hundred and thirty seven" but i need to find it.
I used to have some awesome screenshots of things I have done in this game, but eh they got deleted. :eek:
Anyway here is me having no competition when doing a little low lvl pvp in Grand Chase. I Won~ :3

If this isn't good enough I can just post my stats :/
Grand Chase? Never heard of that one...

it is an MMO that has been around for a few years, and I have somehow stuck with it since it went live :confused:
Ntreev Hosts it in america. I used to have an awesome screenshot of me killing everyone in a pvp match...*sigh* I should have saved those screenshots. T~T
The winner of this weeks contest is F1rst Outlook! Congrats :D. You will be contacted shortly with information on how to redeem your prize.

See you tomorrow for the next contest everyone!