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hi i just got banned from the server for com thing i havent done


New Member
i wher building a house whit a guy who maid a nazi symbol now i got banned for it thats not fair
Nickyyy, please tell us the username you use for minecraft, because there is no Nickyyy in our system.

We can't help you until we know the username you use.
Heya Nickyyy:
For the username hjortoft, it looks like it was oozinator who banned you for said swastika build, according to the description it was possible framing/helping build it, it'll be up to him to review your appeal. Please be patient :).
Hello Nicky.

Before I show the evidence I have, can you tell me your version of the story in greater detail? Do you remember the names of the people you were building with, and who built what?
When I started checking the history, you started to destroy the blocks. Why would you do this?




Also, when I banned you and the system auto-reverted, the only things that were reverted were the books and the red-white wool floor, which reverted back to obsidian. The rest of the obsidian build surrounding the swas was practically untouched.

Because of this, I highly doubted that you built the majority of the build, and I suspected that you made an outline of the swastika out of red-white wool, possibly to frame another player.

Please give me an explanation that would convince me otherwise.

EDIT: Broken image links are not broken (Wooty willing it will be fixed soon). Click on them and it will take you to the high-res version.
Also, in a rare move, I have requested the testimony of cherbstlcfd, the player who spotted the swas.

cherbstlcfd, I would like you to answer truthfully, impartially, and to the best of your ability these questions about the swas built in an obsidian structure.

1. Without a doubt, do you remember what build I am referring to? (refer to screenshots above)

2. Did you see the swas or its outline as it was being built (not after it was built)? If yes, can you identify (or describe) who was building it?

3. When you were first at the build, what did the floor look like? Was it an obsidian floor only, an obsidian floor with red-white wool (no swas), an obsidian floor with red-white wool and swas, or other? If other, describe it.

If cherbstlcfd does not reply to this post within three days, I will move on without his testimony to ensure that Hjortoft receives a speedy decision.
There is a slight chance I might be gone tomorrow, so because there is a lack of evidence of what truly transpired, I will proceed to unban you.

Please understand that I banned you under a perfect storm of coincidences that would have been a red flag for any moderator.

When I teleported to your location, you started to destroy the swastika. When I checked block history of the structure that the swas was built inside, it revealed another player's name. Parts of the swas also had your name on it, which often happens when someone carves a swas and goofs up, so they start to repair it.

In the future, do not attempt to remove any grief, offensive builds, block spam, or the like. Doing this may cause accidental bans, and at the very least, make things difficult for moderators to sort out. Instead, notify a moderator immediately.

I would not have banned you if you didn't start to destroy the swas, or if your name showed up on the blocks of the outside structure. Neither of these were true for this case unfortunately.

If you are banned in the future for breaking the rules listed here or any of the informal rules (no trolling, spamming the chat, racism, advertising, etc.), please refer the moderator to this post.

Because there is a reasonable doubt as to whether you built the swas outline or the structure's builder painted the wool floor with a swas later, I am declaring this ban to be an accident on my part, and you may be entitled to a second chance in the event of a future ban. (But do not go out asking for one)

Appeal accepted. User unbanned. Please close thread.