ITT: Shit that grinds your gears.

Grinding gears grind my gears.

I mean, it's making the machine inefficient, AND the gears may grind until they're in need of replacing. So not only is your machine not running at its best performance, you have to REPAIR it more often.

Fuck those grinding gears.
I don't mind that I got over it. I just am a grump about ponies when people are like "OMG OMG ONG HEY HEY HEY HEY LOOK AT MY PONY YOU SHOULD BE A BRONY OMG RAINBOWDASH"
other than that i really could not care less
People who always think they're right. No one but them is right. And they are ALWAYS prepared to argue hours on end about how right they are and how wrong you are. :mad:

I live with two people like this. TWO.
Religious people, illiterates, people with an evident lack of common sense, bronies, nationalists, racists (those who actually believe their race is superior in particular e.g. white suprematists), people who put "'s" to express a plural, overly stubborn people, politicians, the huge amount of DJs nowadays and, last but not least, crying babies.

Yes, I'm a horrible man, full of hatred
People that take too great of risks by doing things knowing they can get hurt very bad. Why just two days ago, i broke my collar bone doing something stupid. Never again.
Rap music, wasps, gangsters, homework, Mitt Romney, Facebook, people who spam My Little Pony everywhere, Snipers, when it is 2:00 AM and you cannot for the life of you get some sleep, those who believe Nascar is nothing but left turns, summer projects, TF2 players who believe they are better than everyone else because they play TF2, Infinity Ward, Activision, Paul Ryan, Lamar Smith, Jack Thompson, Restless Leg Syndrome (it is HORRIBLE, and you will never understand how bad it is unless you have it), idiots in general, Nicki Minaj, escort missions, stealth missions, Quickscopers, squeakers, Quickscoping squeakers, Battlefield 3, Nintendo, cancer, Shooterty when he brings our internet speed to a grinding halt by downloading a game off Steam, Windows 8, Affirmative Action, itchiness in the genital area while in public, public schools, and sleep schedule management. I hate getting 4 hours of sleep, why does everything start at such an ungodly hour?

That is just off the top of my head.

I know, I hate a lot of things. Cuff me.
Oh god... Restless Leg Syndrome. I think I have that. And it's not "Oh, I can't stand sitting down for too long" or "I love to move my legs a lot, I must have it obviously", it's more along the lines of...

If I'm sitting in cramped sitting, such as on an airplane, in the stands in a basketball stadium, or in a seat behind another seat that has no space under it with which I can extend my legs fully from the knee, muscles in my feet up to the back of my knee will start twitching badly, pulsating in my calves, and give me this unbearable itchy, crawling, creeping and twitchy feeling all in my legs, along with the sensation of my muscles being cold and hot at the same time (if that makes any sense).

I either then start pumping my leg up and down really quickly (like using my toes as leverage to move my heel and leg up and down really quickly), or start kicking everything (including people, people's seats, and even stomping the ground) in the general vicinity until it stops.
After which the uncomfortable feeling starts again in about 10-15 seconds, and I end up repeating the process, pissing off everybody.
If I try and do nothing about it, I become extremely anxious and feel like I'm going to lose my sanity.

I cannot stand cramped seating because of this.
When you have a dry texta and you draw something with it and makes that really horrible noise. I hate that. Especially when people do it just to piss me off -.-
I don't mind that I got over it. I just am a grump about ponies when people are like "OMG OMG ONG HEY HEY HEY HEY LOOK AT MY PONY YOU SHOULD BE A BRONY OMG RAINBOWDASH"
other than that i really could not care less
Don't worry dude, let's never be stupid again.

Wait. Let's always be stupid!
Whenever my subconscious tells my consciousness that what I'm about to do is an awsome idea,but turns out to be the worst thing in my life (ie. pissing of pixiel :confused:)
Insects that have been home to this planet for no fucking reason such as Roaches, Wasps, mosquitoes, and Ants(they are supposed to scavenge food we have left or no longer need.. all i have seen them do is steal the fucking food i still want or need INSIDE MY HOUSE). all these crawley mother fuckers can go to hell where they belong. all of them are so inconvenient to humans. roaches.. they are just gross, they freak me out and they appear where i want them to appear the least. for example, laying eggs in my fucking utensil drawer, or eating the fruit that cant fit in cabnits, so they were left on the counter top, and even crawling out of the Sink while im washing my hands. wasps as well as roaches appear in extremely inconvenient places. such as on the stair cases to get to the top of water slides or nesting close the walk ways of nature trails. Mosquitoes don't just appear in Inconvenient places, they appear EVERYWHERE. these things are just worthless assholes that have been attempted to be removed from this planet multiple times but failed. out of all the things they could drink in the world they choose blood. all these things seem to do is multiply and multiply and multiply. none of that cheap ass smelly spray they pass off at stores as "repellent" doesn't work the slightest bit. Ants are just desperate mother fuckers to me. If a crum falls out of my cookie when i bite it and it lands on the floor without me noticing. Ants are bound to come. they will burrow through walls if they have to. i used to have a BAD problem with theese things . whatever was possible to eat they would come to get. if my cat puked thousands of them would surround the disgusting shit. all of theese mother fuckers will stop at nothing to make life harder for the human race and they all deserve to be extinct.