Minecon 2013

I fail to see why Minecon is so popular ¤_¤
Someone please explain other than "minecraft is an amazing game and it gets people together to talk about it". I mean yeah, its cool and all that people meet for Minecraft but it seems very insignificant compared to Pax or E3
Edit: oops someone already ranted about it

So here’s the underthought explanation for Minecraft’s success: “Clearly, people really like building things and showing them off, and Minecraft gives people the freedom to do that. Case closed.” but to be really honest I think the genius of Minecraft is that it allows you to build things… but it makes it really really hard. By throwing up obstacles in the way of creativity, it makes you play longer and harder, and it makes the creativity more satisfying. And that's why I think people love Minecraft so much. And of course, its fun when you have friends to play, as Xbox use to say: "its good to play together". Of course your talking about PAX and E3 as different league David but it is getting more and more popular each year.
Cons aren't about what's there. Cons are about the people you hang out with there.
Problem solved.

Also i want to go but bills > cons
or if this becomes a thing, just come to hang with squeebz and myself....that option sounds better at this point.

In Orlando we can do a ton of things. So its not all bad for those who aren't going to stay all day. Godliberator, you stayin at a hotel? I'll stay the weekend, most likely at a Hampton Inn. I LOVE there breakfast buffet :coffee:
In Orlando we can do a ton of things. So its not all bad for those who aren't going to stay all day. Godliberator, you stayin at a hotel? I'll stay the weekend, most likely at a Hampton Inn. I LOVE there breakfast buffet :coffee:

if we do go, I will probably be getting a room at one of the resorts we own timeshare at down there. Bonnet Creek resort which is one of the wyndam resorts you can look it up for pics of the place....but there is a large if at this point regarding my being able to go at all....we shall see.
if we do go, I will probably be getting a room at one of the resorts we own timeshare at down there. Bonnet Creek resort which is one of the wyndam resorts you can look it up for pics of the place....but there is a large if at this point regarding my being able to go at all....we shall see.
Why a timeshare for a place ~2 hours from where you live?
I've been looking everyday on mojang.com / minecraft.net and facebook and they have said nothing yet. Reading from a blog post, tickets are going to be sold on minecraft.net right? Woot went to the first minecon in Vegas, wonder if he knows
so.....yea, at this point, not much incentive to go to this....but I still would make the trip down if any of you make it to orlando.
I've been weeks and nothing! when the F*CK tickets are out?!

Ozy and I have tickets. I'm mostly interested because we skipped out on disneyworld during TAA.
awwww man.....if you guys are going to be down there.....I may have to make the trip down to hang out.....pending my work schedule of course.