My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Holy shitballs.
I just realized you look like the male version of one of my friends.
everyone from T9K is secretly one of your IRL friends

Sad news. The MLP painting in a tunnel on the Missouri S&T campus has been defaced. "The highest form of autism -anon" was spray-painted over it in black. I'd be a bit more pissed at that claim, if I didn't actually have Aspergers.
Sad news. The MLP painting in a tunnel on the Missouri S&T campus has been defaced. "The highest form of autism -anon" was spray-painted over it in black. I'd be a bit more pissed at that claim, if I didn't actually have Aspergers.
Oh Missouri S&T bronies, you know just how to cheer me up.
Thank you for cheering me up.JPG