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My stuff got stolen...


New Member
Im not sure how but all my chests got unlocked somehow in my house in Minetopia. All my valuables were taken including about 2 stacks of coal, numerous Iron pickaxes and buckets, 1 stack of iron, 1 stack of redstone and 2 stacks of uncut wood. Is there anything I can do?
every time i log off my stuff is either destroyed or taken, and my chests were also unlocked... this is really pissing me off.
Yeah its kinda rediculous, this only started recently for me though. Does anybody have any idea how chests are becoming unlocked?
Nothing I can do to get my stuff replaced then? Cause Im gonna have to start over on collecting wood and iron otherwise... All my many stacks of torches are also gone
there's too many chests for the mods to check them all, almost 6000 were cleared, and most of them were nonexistant :confused: so yeah, probably not.
try 20 diamond, 1 stack of gold ingots, 1 stack of redstone, 2 stack of iron ingots, 6 stacks of coal - all stolen from a locked chest. Makes me wanna rage quit. I've decided I'm just going to booby trap my house in minetopia.

Are we supposed to fix the griefing or leave things broken, and for how long?

ingame name: ersu99