Neil Armstrong has passed away at age 82.


Well-Known Member

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, passed away earlier today. He was 82. The cause was complications from heart surgery three weeks ago.



R.I.P Neil

Are you happy facebook?.. do you like what you've done?.. Your braindead populus confused neil for lance armstrong and neil pulled one of these.


R.I.P neil. Huge respect. If i had to be haunted for shitty jokes in the wake of tragic events, may you find me worthy of torture. SERIOUSLY..have doubt.... that it didn't happen....?

It is the year 1969 that makes me doubt. 2012 and man has not repeated such thing. It is about time it happens *again*. Should by now be a routine, if there is a manned Mars mission planned within the next 20-30 years. Robots are not beings, its like throwing a toy car out a 10 story building and see what happens, then analize. Its just a toy not a human being, or any earth living creature. If the event was real, respect, but it is not the same as landing a Robot on a planet.

Sounds like im dissing Niel, which is not true, so dont take me that way.
I believe in the moon landing because I have hope in mankind and the perseverance of humanity.

also sucks that this icon has died.