

Well-Known Member

I wanted to ask you why you have choosen your nickname!

Well, I got avroom out of my name; Its like A. Vroom :D
nothing to do with rooms

now your turn :D
Way back when I made the switch from halo1 into halo2 on XBL I used the gamertag YourLiberator, and then I quit XBL forgot my credentials and didn't feel like calling XBL support to renew and I just stopped playing on I switched to Liberator137 when I started playing runescape.....and then my RS account got hacked and I lost a lot of stuff and just stopped playing for about 4 months....when I started playing again I just created the new account and made the upgrade to Godliberator.....I have since stopped playing RS and just kept the Gamertag with every game and forum I went to.

not exciting, however that is how it went down.
DooM (favorite FPS), Make (what people call me in Finland), combine those 2 and you get DooMake. I removed the extra M cause it looked better :D . Nickname can also be mistaken for Do with an extra o and Make combined so most people choose to call me Doo. I just had to think of a Steam account name fast and DooMake is the result.
Aramat and I both have these names due to Role Playing. Like Godlib, we used had them in runescape, kept them ever sense. Been using Briggs for a long time. The reason it is Briggs is because when I was really young, I wanted to name one of my sons Briggs. So I remembered that when trying to make a name. It just kinda stuck with me. If Briggs is not available, I put a Dg at the end, why? Because Dg stood for Darkgloom as a last name on runescape for out rp characters. Sorta lame, but I do not mind.
Aye that is the main reason I use this name everywhere, never to forget some great memories and just because it sounds like an epic name hahaha but my name stems a little further than that. In an online strategy game I had to choose a name for my first city, in which in my mind I randomly came up with Aramat and it stuck. Now I use it as a nickname or character name and not so much for a city as it just does not sound right in that category anymore xp
This name came around when I transferred my druid on wow to another server and I was like "omg I need a new name" and then I strung some awesome letter together and it worked well.
This name came around when I transferred my druid on wow to another server and I was like "omg I need a new name" and then I strung some awesome letter together and it worked well.

that is exactly how my character in WoW came to be....need a, that works for me. I have since stopped playing wow.....but I figure I will eventually return.
I wrote Wooty. People call me Wooty. It's pretty simple, really.

(Lesser known fact) I'm also known as Wooty elsewhere on the internets.
take my middle name (quincy, when people ask me online what my name is i tell them it's quincy) and add a fancy ending... i used to use mr optimism everywhere but i kinda outgrew that. my irl nicknames are fortress adam and the wall, both loooooong stories :)
I got my name from when my wife and I were on our honeymoon in Hawaii almost 4yrs ago. All the locals kept calling me Moondoggy, and when I got back I got a 360(finally) and had to set up a gamertag, so I used Moondoggy and my age at the time, and I've used it ever since. I almost went with my MyIGN tag, which is Defenestrated, but I didn't for some reason. That word always makes me smile....
When my mum was pregnant with me she refered to me as Roo because I was quite active and she likes Winnie the Pooh. Roo as her name for me has carried on since then (20 years and 6 monthsish) and roopot is a variant she uses occasionaly. So rather than writing the long username I tend to use for these sorta places I desided to use something easyer to spell.
I'm a bit sensitive and hopeful and usually my friends play with that saying I seek a Golden Heart, while I have one inside me. That stuck, so I'm a Gold Seeker :)
d'awwwwwww :cool:
When my mum was pregnant with me she refered to me as Roo because I was quite active and she likes Winnie the Pooh. Roo as her name for me has carried on since then (20 years and 6 monthsish) and roopot is a variant she uses occasionaly. So rather than writing the long username I tend to use for these sorta places I desided to use something easyer to spell.
k roupt :cool:
Of the T9k'ers, I like the whole story behind Ozy's name...personally.

Myself, Ollie was once the mascot of Olive Garden(Ollie the Olive) and I had needed a name(I was like 10 give me a break) for Aol. Well Ollie turned into Ollee which got a 64 tacked on because my brother was sitting right next to me playing the Nintendo 64. Ohhh yeahhhh. Thence came Ollee64 which I shorten to Ollee whenever I can...or Olleeollee...or Olleeolleeoxenfree

Other Aliases: YouShotMySlinky, CELLuLOSE, Zip, Chris.