Official Youtube Sucks Thread

I actully have to move my chair to watch a movie...
Why did they put the video in the damn corner?
YouTube made me kill myself. Twice. The new layout was so awful I came back to life just to rant about it.
I seriously don't get the problem. Every time anyone changes any kind of interface/adds new feature, there are people like you who hate it a ton. Like Facebook Timeline honestly wasn't that bad. Neither was the YouTube layout when they last changed it.

I'm going to leave all of the haters in this thread with an extremely relevant video:
I seriously don't get the problem. Every time anyone changes any kind of interface/adds new feature, there are people like you who hate it a ton. Like Facebook Timeline honestly wasn't that bad. Neither was the YouTube layout when they last changed it.

I'm going to leave all of the haters in this thread with an extremely relevant video:
It's not change in general, its how inconvenient and stupidly planned the change is.

It's not centered. The videos are moved higher. Comments sections are now dominated by people criticizing others for their picture rather then the content of the video. I cant check my comments from the front page anymore. The default front page is suggested videos instead of subscribes which hurts hundreds of youtubers. I cant access peoples videos through the more videos option at the top anymore. Its less accessible through mobile that I cant even access my inbox anymore. I spent 3 hours trying to reverse my account to go back to what it was rather then being forced to use google+ and on top of all that the design is awful.

There is a reason people hate change. Its not cause its different, Its because its fucking stupid, poorly planned and inconvenient change.
Youtube was perfectly fine before. Now I have to turn my head to the left to see everything. ._.
I seriously don't get the problem. Every time anyone changes any kind of interface/adds new feature, there are people like you who hate it a ton. Like Facebook Timeline honestly wasn't that bad. Neither was the YouTube layout when they last changed it.

I'm going to leave all of the haters in this thread with an extremely relevant video:
Getting used to new shit is annoying
My biggest problem is... I can't tell what is recommend from what I have subscribed to. I have to spend 5 minutes decoding my front page to see what is new and what is just recommend.
Change what YouTube looks like.. I don't give too much of a shit.
Make me click twice to get to my subscriptions....

Shit gets real.
i want my suggestions away from my subscription feedback crap, y u make everything jumbled together googel!? :c
Rsmv put it best. It's not change that bothers me. It's poorly planned, crap design, forced "convenience" that isn't, with no warning or public testing that pisses me off.
Rsmv put it best. It's not change that bothers me. It's poorly planned, crap design, forced "convenience" that isn't, with no warning or public testing that pisses me off.
There actually was public testing, it required a simple command in the JavaScript console. I've been using it and submitting bug reports for a while now, and Google haven't fixed anything. Anyway, hopefully they'll get to reading about the outrage and fix stuff.

Also I really hate the suggestions box. I watch ONE goddam house music mix and suddenly they're recommending more mixes everywhere. What I'd prefer is something like: You watched a CollegeHumor video, so here's a similar short from someone else similar which you'll actually like and haven't seen before according to our records.
Also I really hate the suggestions box. I watch ONE goddam house music mix and suddenly they're recommending more mixes everywhere. What I'd prefer is something like: You watched a CollegeHumor video, so here's a similar short from someone else similar which you'll actually like and haven't seen before according to our records.
Dont even get me started.

I got linked a video to some game series I hate because its so embarrassingly stupid and now recommendations everywhere relating to it. Not to mention I get linked a lets play of a clop game in skype chat and then ever other recommendation is related to it. I wouldn't have a problem with it but its the default option when going to the front page of youtube which annoys the fuck out of me.
I just hate the comment section and the fact that the screen isn't in the center.

The screen is center on my laptop though, the monitor is much smaller.