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Re: Griefing Issues

I was banned from a server because I griefed. The reason I griefed was because my mouse was stuck and I couldn't "unstuck" it. When it was unstuck again, my laptop died and then when I turned on my laptop again, I had to go to the store. I competely forgot about the grief. The thing I griefed was a flower deposit, not a house or anything like that. Also, don't you have to get kicked 5 times before you get banned? So whoever banned me, I think it was ConroD, could you please unban me?
thehungergames, the 4-kick (not 5) rule only applies with in-chat things, such as spamming or trolling. However racism is banned on first offense in-chat, so don't do that.
There is no such thing as a 4 or 5 kick rule. And racism isn't always banned on first offense. Please don't speak of rules unless you are fully aware of them.

You may have griefed the flower deposit as well, but I clearly found blocks from shredex's house removed by you.
The only thing I griefed was the floewr deposit, and it's such a small build and SMALL grief that if you let me back on the server, I would fix it right away. This is my first grief and I
Sorry.. I pressed enter. Anyway, this is my first grief and I hope you can overlook this ban. It's your decision to unban me or not, so think about it.
History clearly showed that you greifed part of a house in guest, denial doesn't change anything m'afraid.
The current guest world, there flowers inside shredex's house were destroyed, along with some of the glass roof.
Yes, that's the only thing I griefed. You said that I griefed another house. Anyway, can you please unban me? The Team9000 server is AWESOME, i've built many great things on there, and ive made lots of friends. I don't want it all to go down the toliet.