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SetSpawn Suggestion

I'm a fast typist, what can I say. ;) Plus, some people have mice or keyboards that can repeat strings of text. Some MC chat mods also allow for hotkeys or chat to be repeated with ease. By the way, fire damage does not exist on Team9000.

Even if you manage to escape and then die, those items are safe at your spawn point.
Ah, that's right, no fire damage. All of this applies to some people. Some of those few people are 'good' players, a few are 'bad'. If you break this down, do we really have to hold back an otherwise stellar feature because of two or three people who would abuse it?

Also, does Team9000 have this repeat chat function in the first place?
Ah, that's right, no fire damage. All of this applies to some people. Some of those few people are 'good' players, a few are 'bad'. If you break this down, do we really have to hold back an otherwise stellar feature because of two or three people who would abuse it?

Also, does Team9000 have this repeat chat function in the first place?
The repeat chat comes from mods, not the server. https://t9k.me/1tA
All of this discussion is pointless, as Woot as said time and time again that he isn't putting in /home. If I remember correctly, he said something about griefers establishing a base with beds and/or sethome. He wants the server to be survival. There are other servers out there that provide the functionality of both beds and /sethome.
Fire resistance potions can save you from lava. Fire resistance potions aren't very realistic :) In any case, I like the server the way it is now - a bit harder. I guess there are lots of servers with different setups, and this server has got the community it's got because they all like this setup.
He has beds disabled too? I think it would be nice if we could at least survive in our own homes. I mentioned this before, but I'll rephrase it a little. If we respawn kilometers away from our items, the chunks they are in, don't load. Thus, the 5 minute despawn timer doesn't count down. I remember I fell down my quarry once, and then quit for a while. The next day I come online, boat all the way back to my island, and find that my entire inventory is back. Not really survival if you can just pick your items right back.:confused: But if I had respawned at my home only 2 or 3 chunks away. Well, I would probably be willing to try to find them again. That would take me probably at least the maximum despawn time of my items. Quite frankly, this would be better for survival. Even if I set my /home inside the cave just before I died, I would respawn, probably surrounded by other mobs in the area whom of which would mostly kill me promtly. The /back command won't work in this situation, and /spawn would mean traveling all the way back like you would normally do. In a panic, even if you have /back or /home to all of the available hotkeys you may have, in the face of the death of your character, even the most organized people who keep their cool most of the time, you will accidentally type /hpme or /bsck or even q instead of 1. Nobody is perfect, and I think if we put a price on this, it would be fine.
There are other servers out there that provide the functionality of both beds and /sethome.
Basically, your suggesting we bring back an:
Base setting feature that removes all challenge from the game?
Sounds pretty stupid.
Basically, your suggesting we bring back an
Base setting feature that removes all challenge from the game?
Sounds pretty stupid.
I think you're being a bit harsh.

Me? I reckon a good compromise would be to have the /home function realllly expensive; say, as expensive as starting a new town, for arguement's sake.

Most griefers aren't going to be getting that kinda cash.

And griefing wouldn't be an issue if we had more active moderation.

So I say, yeah, /home sounds good. Just make it a really expensive option so that not everyone has it.
People can opt out of it for survival / realism's sake, and those who really want it have to work hard for it.

'Y two sexy cents.
I think you're being a bit harsh.

I reckon a good compromise would be to have the /home function realllly expensive; say, as expensive as starting a new town, for arguement's sake.

Most griefers aren't going to be getting that kinda cash.

And griefing wouldn't be an issue if we had more active moderation.

So I say, yeah, /home sounds good. Just make it a really expensive option so that not everyone has it.
People can opt out of it for survival / realism's sake, and those who really want it have to work hard for it.

My two sexy cents.

Obviously you do not see the joke. I thought you of all people would have seen it.
Fire resistance potions can save you from lava. Fire resistance potions aren't very realistic :) In any case, I like the server the way it is now - a bit harder. I guess there are lots of servers with different setups, and this server has got the community it's got because they all like this setup.
I dare you to play hardcore SMP vanilla then.
It's no fun if you get cornered by 500 creepers and can just /home.

You're gonna have to kick the asses of those little creeps.
i don't think dragons are real :p


Mr. Komodo is disappoint...

And I like the system how it is. I know the game isn't 'real,' but in every game I have played, death is supposed to set you back quite a bit...
I think you're being a bit harsh.

Me? I reckon a good compromise would be to have the /home function realllly expensive; say, as expensive as starting a new town, for arguement's sake.

Most griefers aren't going to be getting that kinda cash.

And griefing wouldn't be an issue if we had more active moderation.

So I say, yeah, /home sounds good. Just make it a really expensive option so that not everyone has it.
People can opt out of it for survival / realism's sake, and those who really want it have to work hard for it.

'Y two sexy cents.
This is my point exactly.:thumbsup: A lot of people seem to be forgetting what resources these people may have. And remove all challenge from the game? There are many other things that remove the challenge from the game already, such as the items not despawning instance I have mentioned, and the mere fact that new players can mingle with older ones.:confused:

I really think that if we put a price tag on the /home option, and remove all the other commands, then that would remove all possible abuse. It would practically serve as a bed, since they're disabled, it wouldn't matter. I'm certainly willing to pay $1000 dollars to set my spawn point to my own island home.x3 And for people who don't want to use it, don't use it. No one is forcing you, and I love all of your opinions.

Thanks, everyone for their feedback on this suggestion. :3
Here's one more thing. This one server just came up with a way against the very abuse-fear most of you guys are talking about.

With the /home command, in order to successfully travel back, you need to wait 5 seconds for the teleport to take effect. This would completely, if not mostly, eliminate the potential abuse of people using it while they're about to be killed.

(Apologies for the double post.)