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STS1: Shortage of Wood

Also, at least ya don't get hungry, as long as you can find land that is... Let alone a field o' cake :p Then just live off love! Love of cake that is...
it's very fun to a point.but,when i the next one planned?im curious to see what it is especially after this one....
a possible idea for the STS2 world: Deadly Livestock!

Exploding Chickens: exchange the data values of creepers with chickens, so that the AI behaviors and mechanisms are switched (Creepers are harmless, chickens chase you and possibly explode)

Cows... more like Bulls!: Change out the AI's of Cows for Zombies

Squid can bite, too...: Change out the AI's for Squid and Skeletons, so they chase players and shoot arrows in the water

I Dream of Sheep: Sheep and Endermen are switched, so if you stare at a sheep it will flip out, port and start attacking you like an enderman.

Spider-Pig!: Spiders and Pig mechanics are switched

Silver-Wolves: Wolves follow Silverfish-AI, possibly change the #92 silverfish egg data value from looking like stone block to grass block?

Hell-Bats: Bats now shoot charges like Ghasts, making them the one and only threat to exploring Caves (if normally Aggressive Mobs are changed to become Passive)

Firin' Mah LazerCat!: Ocelots follow Blaze mechanics and may shoot blaze balls.