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ThaProfessor wants YOU! - Multi-server pvp guild

Our base has fallen. We shall create a new one, with much better defences, and no STUPID PEOPLE.

My suggestions for rules:
1. No worldchat unless granted permission by a mod or admin (or if people are asking to join, the reply is simply: there isn't a faction mod on at the moment, sorry)
2. No flipping switches if you don't know what they're for. Seriously.
3. The final gate to the exterior of the castle must be closed at ALL times. If we are under siege, ALL gates must be put into lockdown (I can easily create an override switch for emergencies that will close all gates, if you want).
4. Be on Mumble, or at the very least, LISTEN TO ORDERS.
5. The ranks are the ranks. Mods and Admins are in charge, meaning listen to them.
6. There is no such thing as a personal building. If you have enough time to be doing that, you should be mining obsidian.
7. Any one who needs to be told more than twice to do or not do something is kicked. End of story.
No... our epic base was destroyed? Has it moved, or is my /home still in the same place?
Our base has fallen. We shall create a new one, with much better defences, and no STUPID PEOPLE.

My suggestions for rules:
1. No worldchat unless granted permission by a mod or admin (or if people are asking to join, the reply is simply: there isn't a faction mod on at the moment, sorry)
2. No flipping switches if you don't know what they're for. Seriously.
3. The final gate to the exterior of the castle must be closed at ALL times. If we are under siege, ALL gates must be put into lockdown (I can easily create an override switch for emergencies that will close all gates, if you want).
4. Be on Mumble, or at the very least, LISTEN TO ORDERS.
5. The ranks are the ranks. Mods and Admins are in charge, meaning listen to them.
6. There is no such thing as a personal building. If you have enough time to be doing that, you should be mining obsidian.
7. Any one who needs to be told more than twice to do or not do something is kicked. End of story.
we got raided this morning? :confused: wow
i was on only 6 hours beforehand >.<
From what it sounds like from when I was on there and whats said here, I'm guessing there was a bit of a scorched earth tactic. Either that or the other factions wasted TNT on completely destroying the base for no reason.
From what it sounds like from when I was on there and whats said here, I'm guessing there was a bit of a scorched earth tactic. Either that or the other factions wasted TNT on completely destroying the base for no reason.

itd be pretty awesome if they wasted shizloads amount of tnt to destroy our base :p
and we should get tham back tonight xD
Gurw, I wonder how hard it'd be to make a room with all the switches instead of having them randomly spread out thru the base. You could control everything from one secure location.
i have and can do that
we just need a little bit more time to prepare, and then i can make 'deadman' switches.
I don't understand how our base was trashed, I thought enemies can't edit blocks on our land? I saw lava and destruction everywhere.
Though it is public, about 99% of the people on it are not backstabbing jerks. Almost everyone here could fit the criteria to be on the squad.
Yeah we aren't letting a bunch of people back. Trying to weed out the morons that lost our last base you know?