The story of your avatar

Found this radar in GTA San Andreas. Took a pic. Made it as avatar. Can't remember if I ever changed it.
Well my avatar has quite a bit of design.
It started off as a splicing of a bunch of different pokemon trainer sprites for use as an avatar on a pokemon forum where I was running a simple sprite art shop.
Here it is.
GM Transparent.png

After using it for a while, I then recreated it using a Layton sprite as a base, which I created with other pokemon trainer sprites (I actually used it as an avatar here for a short time.)
Layton trainer 2.png

I then lined over it to created a detailed image

And my current avatar is a kirby version of that, so that's pretty much it.
Io is everywhere, and in all things. Denounced by enemies as the great unmaker, worshiped by scholars as the twinkling of a divine eye, Io occupies all planes at once, the merest fraction of its being crossing into physical existence at any one moment.

Like the great twin riders Dark and Light, and yet another ancient traveler whose true history is lost to the ages, Io the Wisp is a Fundamental of the universe—a force older than time, a wanderer from realms far beyond mortal understanding. Io is nothing less than the sum of all attractive and repulsive forces within matter, a sentient manifestation of the charge that bind particles together. It is only in the controlled warping of these forces that Io’s presence can be experienced on the physical plane. A benevolent, cooperative force, Io bonds its strength to others so that the power of allies might be enhanced. Its motives inscrutable, its strength unimaginable, Io moves through the physical plane, the perfect expression of the mysteries of the universe.

Thank you, you're so sweet.
I was standing in a (Walmart? Thiesens? FleetFarm?) about five years ago. There was a table of mini cacti in the middle of one of the walkways. For some reason they had a huge impact on me and I have imagined stories and drawn pictures since then. It was just natural for them to become my identity on the internet. :coffee:
As some of you know, I'm a fan of the BattleTech series, as well as the PC game spin-off series known as MechWarrior.

Most of my avatars have been some spin on the "Mad Cat/Timberwolf" 'Mech, which is BattleTech's mascot. (That's also the joke behind this picture, which I'm sure you've all seen.)
To refresh some memories:

My current avatar is a Mad Cat Kirby, but with a color scheme matching that of the Wolf's Dragoons, my favorite faction and another one of my previous avatars:

And, to explain these two that I had for a short while, they're of "Eve" from the KRPG known as Elsword. I had her as an avatar because she's just plain awesome.
I wanted something to depict my feeling. I used one my of obsessions. The moving version is more reflective of my overall feels at that time. The still version is good to. Castiel played by Misha Collins, Supernatural.

I tend to change my avatar as my whim/feeling shifts.
Monopoly man looked rather fancy.

So into my profile picture space he goes!

( Oh, and before that, i was riding a spider, since no one else in minecraft seems to have done so :D loved dat glitch <3 )
This was my face during the great horse invasion of 2011. It also comes from a naughty picture which subliminally represents the state of the horse invaders. Venusaur rules.
Cave story is my favorite game of all time. It's too damn good to not work it into everything I do on the Internet.