Just Cause 2 MP Beta

They MP beta went back up on 4/20. That shit should have been on the front page man! THE FRONT PAGE!

EDIT: Also, the best thing to do is, find a large plane, crash it into the mile high club and see how many people you can kill with your explosion. I crashed a large C-130 looking plane and took out 4 people.
Is the beta closed now?
I can't seem to connect.
I feel like I was the only one unimpressed by the game, it will be fun with the multiplayer, but the story feels, i don't know, unfruitful.
I feel like I was the only one unimpressed by the game, it will be fun with the multiplayer, but the story feels, i don't know, unfruitful.

Playing JC2 for the story is like purchasing an airline ticket to get peanuts.
HELL NO! You hijack the plane by punching the pilot three times, throwing him out in midair, setting the flight controls to cruise, getting on top of the plane, and riding it into a row of fuel tanks. Your life in JC2 is determined not by your next mission, but by the next base you're going to destroy just 'cause you feel like it (see what I did there).
Plus you can ride down the highway at 200 mph towards a cliff that drops half a mile, survive the fall, and walk away from the fiery wreckage like a badass.
Plus you can climb on top of a car cruising down the road, fire off a random shot to make the driver panic and increase speed, and shoot the tires off every car you pass.

I can go on all day with this.

Also the game itself is fuck tons of fun.
Yes sir!
The story in this game is terrible, but the grappling is so ridiculously fun.
I want to believe that it's purposely bad. I mean really take the main premise into account and just tell me they didn't have the thought in mind.

"So there's this evil fat guy, and he has these nukes, and there's a corrupt goverment and they have a lot of oil, and there's a lot of explosive stuff on the island, and the main guy is 007 Rio style, and its as generic as possible. Also everything fucking explodes, the car explodes, the tree explodes, that dirt explodes, that ass explodes."
"So there's this evil fat guy, and he has these nukes, and there's a corrupt goverment and they have a lot of oil, and there's a lot of explosive stuff on the island, and the main guy is 007 Rio style, and its as generic as possible. Also everything fucking explodes, the car explodes, the tree explodes, that dirt explodes, that ass explodes."
"You, know, just 'cause."
took a scooter off a cliff then hooking onto a heli just to crash it into a fuel depot just cause i felt like it