T9K battles extra-terrestrial invasion blog series.

no, it is more of a giant underground base of operations.
Maybe at some point of the story (doesnt matter what part), you might make the planet that the base rests in go under attack. The base will turn on systems that will make it get off the ground and float into space, THEN it will be a giant flagship. x3
Maybe at some point of the story (doesnt matter what part), you might make the planet that the base rests in go under attack. The base will turn on systems that will make it get off the ground and float into space, THEN it will be a giant flagship. x3
He's trying to follow the story'line/gameplay of Xcom. I doubt there a giantflagship in that game.
Maybe at some point of the story (doesnt matter what part), you might make the planet that the base rests in go under attack. The base will turn on systems that will make it get off the ground and float into space, THEN it will be a giant flagship. x3

indeed, there is not giant flagship...good idea, I may incorporate it into another series in the future. but for now it is just an underground base on earth..
Updated roster following part 4

Lieutenant Godliberator - Heavy role - 6 missions - 14 kills
Sergent Ozy - Assault role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Sergent Beese - Heavy role - 1 missions - 4 Kills
Sergent Wooty - Support role - 5 missions - 2 kills
Corporal Ollee - Sniper role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Corporal Pixiel - Sniper role - 3 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Patchouii - Assault role - 1 mission - 3 kills
Squaddie Konflakes - Support role - 1 mission -2 kills
Squaddie Faerieincombatboots - Assault role - 1 mission - 1 kill
Rookie KC006 - undecided role - 1 mission - 0 kills
Rookie Casham - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie ConroD - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Tofurkey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Gurw - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Greenearth - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Casey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Moondoggy - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Squeebz - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills

Where am I in this!?!
Where am I in this!?!
o.0.....well, just like everything that is in this story....it is all random, and new members are added by voting them in when the game decides to either kill off players or add new ones in....then it is up to this community to vote and decide on who the next team member will be....we are only coming up on part 4 which is about half way completed.....but I plan to take this series on for a while, so you have plenty of time to be voted into the fray.
Where am I in this!?!

no new members have been brought on board yet....as soon as they are, there will be a vote for who in this community will be the next to join the team. As the game progresses, I am sure that there will be more soldiers to join the team, so if you want in, get voted in.
no new members have been brought on board yet....as soon as they are, there will be a vote for who in this community will be the next to join the team. As the game progresses, I am sure that there will be more soldiers to join the team, so if you want in, get voted in.

Lol I was just kidding... :p But voted in...? How...?
I totally am, and I apologize to everyone for the delay, I am continuing to work on part 5 and I will have it out as soon as possible.
You know, you should do a game of Dwarf Fortress and name certain dwarves users from the site... just, what you're doing now for Dwarf Fortress,

That would be pretty cool.
You know, you should do a game of Dwarf Fortress and name certain dwarves users from the site... just, what you're doing now for Dwarf Fortress,

That would be pretty cool.

That is a good idea. though I have plenty to move through for this series, we are only at part 5 and this will probably go at least 20 parts before it is over....but when t9k battle for earth ends, I will most assuredly be looking for new projects....so far dwarf fortress is a front runner.
Oh god, I just remembered this. Read the example, but replace 'Dwarf A', 'Dwarf B, etc. with your favorite T9K characters, and fall on the floor laughing.
Fun Fact: I have actually said
TheGurw said:
“You have never been more attractive to me than you are right now.”
shortly after being thrown backwards off of a couch by a beautiful lesbian. However, instead of being wedged in between another object and said couch, she satisfied herself with throwing an encyclopedia at my head.
Also, pursuing same female-in-comfortable-shoes (GMV reference, anyone?), I said something very similar to
TheGurw said:
“Our children will be beautiful and Canadian.”
shortly after having my way-too-drunk self literally thrown over a bar, where I received injuries from shattered glass that resulted in 27 stiches. I said it to the paramedic who asked me what the hell I did.