Yogscast Permanetly Banned from Minecon

Hi, welcome to the internet where everything a few people who you don't know, nor will you ever meet, have an argument, and it is going to be the end of all modern human society. The world is going to end because of a few rumors and misunderstandings. I can't go to work now. I can't get out of bed. My world is ruined. Thanks notch and yogscast...assholes.

Now you can stay home and play Skyrim.
and ponies
anybody wanna come over to the classic server? its really quiet and stuff there's less than 20 players online, i think i'll start my wet haired octavia in zone15 :D
Hi, welcome to the internet where everything a few people who you don't know, nor will you ever meet, have an argument, and it is going to be the end of all modern human society. The world is going to end because of a few rumors and misunderstandings. I can't go to work now. I can't get out of bed. My world is ruined. Thanks notch and yogscast...assholes.
Don't worry, I got this nuder control.