Yogscast Permanetly Banned from Minecon

Celebrities? Hardly... They have 18 thousand subscribers. Minecraft has sold over 1 million copies. Those dickheads should be happy that they got the special privileges that were handed to them.
/facepalm IRL...
1.2m subscribers, no where near 18k...
le no.jpg
I still don't know why and what they are famous for? They are shit at Minecraft. 99% of the T9K Community is better at Minecraft. But hey T9K has served nearly 1.3m people, more then their subs, yeah and most of those on Minecraft Classic. If they say that most of Minecraft community is thanks to them, can T9K say that Classic is still classic cause 1.3m people played on T9K's Servers?
lol. Yogscast = officially fucked. But do you think they will get banned on minecraft?
Personally, I don't really care, not a fan of Yogscast.

However I immensely enjoy TotalBiscuit, as he is extremely entertaining, so I take his word as a very large grain of salt to the situation.
I watch CaptainSparklez. I never rally liked YogsCast's videos, especially their obnoxius screeching. And I'm sorry, but British accents make me want to blow up. I can't take them they're too "exotic" for me. Anyways, act like a douche, everyone else becomes a douche.
xHallucinationx said:
I watch CaptainSparklez. I never rally liked YogsCast's videos, especially their obnoxius screeching. And I'm sorry, but British accents make me want to blow up. I can't take them they're too "exotic" for me. Anyways, act like a douche, everyone else becomes a douche.

Gronkh ftw. ;)
Here is the Yogscast's statement:

Thread revived :cool: ...
You do realize they could be lying to protect there reputation. I mean seriously, I could go out do stuff that would get me ridiculed but if a million people looked to me as being awesome and I was obviously drunk doing it I would probably lie instead of take responsibility for my actions. I dont think there telling the truth. Also I love how there blaming notch for this saying he was "drunk" in terms to say that he was tired and didn't know what he was typing. I dont think notch would post something on a twitter that millions follow that wouldn't be true.

Honestly I would go with the word of a man who made a successful game and invited these 2 fat nerds to be at minecon instead of these 2 fat nerds who are famous because of the game notch created. So in my 2 cents,

Fuck you yogscast.