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Petition against wipes every 2 weeks

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He started it. I'm just doing what I do best, trolling the troll.
It's called poking the bear.

To be honest, there are two definitive sides in this debate which cannot be reconciled. Personally, I enjoy the aspect of gathering resources for massive, long-term builds. Viewpoints of building primarily in creative are equally valid for different reasons. While I oppose regular wipes, I am excited to try out the PVP aspect of Minecraft which I have neglected.

Minecraft is a game. By definition, the objective is entertainment. People are not bound to host servers in any particular way. If you don't like a particular server, then, by all means, don't waste your time playing on it. However, keep in mind to still give it a chance. You can count on me being on the new survival worlds. However, I will also continue to host small servers for my friends via Hamachi and play on singleplayer worlds. Perhaps I may join another server to fill the long-term survival gap. Perhaps a long-term world will be introduced. Whatever your reasoning, do what you enjoy. And please, don't ridicule others based on how they enjoy playing a computer game.
Now see here crazy1redneck, this here is a valid post.

-_- Everyone who's ever replied to my posts except for friends get on my nerves, I'm just defendin myself
Self defense homicide is fun. Same with them darned yankees and their War of Northern Aggression.

You're not such a beautiful individual butterfly that you can create your own dialect.

It really doesn't work like that.

You're not a community.
You're just a weird person on the internet who can't spell.
Dear Vorsprung:
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